Saturday, October 4, 2008

Moving In

Wow - I forgot what a nightmare getting all unpacked is. I don't think this house will be organized for the next year! This picture is in our office. The computer is set up, but that is it. You should see the guest room. That is the catch all for anything I don't want to put in the basement. The basement is THE catch all. We have a really big basement and it is filled with boxes! How do we own this much stuff? We're not even that old! I guess if I don't open a box that's in the basement over the next year, it's trash!

1 comment:

Holfeltz Family said...

Nat did not unpack ONE box when we moved in to our Vernal house. Tess was only two months old and the entire contents of our house was sitting in our garage in boxes. It took me six months to unpack all the boxes. Whoa, I'm totally Debbie Downer. Sorry.