Monday, September 8, 2008

Our New House

We closed! It's finally ours! We're super excited to officially move in this weekend (September 13th - hint, hint...if you're available, come on over!).

Some have requested photos of the inside of the house, so here you go. This is the kitchen. Yes, Becca, we went with black granite. Thanks for the recommendation. I think it looks sweet. The kitchen is the reason I totally loved this floor plan. It opens up into the living room, so I can do dishes, keep an eye on Kaia and watch The Office all at the same time!

Here's the living room. I love the mantel. The TV is coming, to be installed by Brian above the mantel.

This is the entry. We love our huge front door. It's already made moving large pieces of furniture much easier.

The master bath. Yea, we'll finally have two sinks again. Why is it so hard to share a sink?

Staircase to the basement. I really don't want to put up a gate, and I am close to trusting Kaia to go down the stairs by herself. She can do it, but sometimes she gets distracted. At least there's a landing half way down, so it's not that far to fall. :)

Brian's throne. We may never see him again....


Anonymous said...

I love it! It is gorgeous. I bet your are SO EXCITED to finally be moving in.

Amanda said...

Hey! That is great that you will finally be in! You need to send me your new address so that we can come visit. Our home probably won't be done until Thanksgiving. Good luck!

Becca's Blog said...

Love the house and love that you went with the black granite. It is so sleek and dramatic looking. I loved and miss my black granite. We'll have to get together once you are settled. Just give me a call or something. This semester is pretty easy for me as far as school and stuff goes.

Holfeltz Family said...

WOW! I'm so sad we didn't get to see you guys and your amazing house this weekend. The granite does look so good! I'm drooling. That will be so good to do dishes watch TV and watch Kaia all at the same time. Smart thinking. Wish I had a similar set up.

Holfeltz Family said...

Whoa! Hold on a Sec! Does that pic show a fully landscaped house?? I think all second home builders opt out of doing the yard themselves. I most certainly will if I ever build again. Very nice. I'm jealous grass.

The Wood Monkeys said...

It is official... I am JEALOUS!! And also VERY happy for you!!