Friday, August 29, 2008

Kaia's One Year Birthday!

Kaia turned one on August 26th! Wow - how time has flown by! It really does seem like just yesterday that I was in the hospital giving birth to her! We had several fun birthday parties over the last couple of weeks. She has loved all of the attention! And all of the chocolate!

I always wondered whether or not she would be scared of the cake or just dig in - although I had some idea considering how much she loves putting ANYTHING in her mouth, including dirt, rocks and live bugs. As you can see, she absolutely loved making a huge mess and shoving as much cake in her mouth as possible. It was hilarious.

August 26th is also Kaia's cousin Caden's birthday! He turned 5 - wow! He says he doesn't mind sharing his birthday with Kaia, just as long as he doesn't have to share his presents with her!


Jana said...

Happy Birthday Kaia and Caden. How fun. She looks so cute.

Marissa said...

She really is cute! It's amazing how fast time flies and how fast kids grow! Enjoy this time with her.

Tricia said...

So CUTE!! Can't believe our kids are that big

Unknown said...

OHMIGOSH!! Has it really been over a year since we've seen you guys!!??!! Quite a bit over a year in fact. Kaia is sooooo cute! I never thought Rachel would have a child with such light hair, but I guess Brian was the key factor there.
I am so excited to meet Kaia and hopefully see your new house!! Good luck unpacking--we have been in our house almost a year, and so far all of the boxes are out of the basement, but many are still not unpacked. Maybe that stuff's not really so important after all...