Monday, March 9, 2009


So, Brian and I went skiing a couple of Friday's ago. It was sweet. Add it to the list of things we should have done more of before we had a kid. Now we have no time and definitely no money.

Yes, that's me with the crappy form. Hey, I'm no pro.

Art by Kaia

Our life is constantly changing with Kaia in our lives. We've decided that as we approach the two year old mark, the changes aren't always for the better. For instance, Kaia has discovered the world of pens, markers and crayons.

Pen on our master bedroom wall.

Pen on the leather couch.

Permanent marker on the fabric of our dining room chair.

Crayon on the dining room table.


OK, so Heidi tagged me like forever ago and I'm of course just getting around to it. I've decided blogging is not for whimps like me who go to bed at 9:30 p.m. Are most bloggers night owls? That seems like the best time to do it, but I'm usually too tired! Anyway...


1. Go to the Document/ My Pictures Site On Your Computer

2. Go to Your Sixth File

3. Go to Your Sixth Picture

4. Blog about It

5. Tag 6 People

Here's Kaia! Of course. I think I took this picture because I tried to put pig tails in her hair (haven't done it since - she doesn't have enough hair). This picture was taken about eight months ago, I would say, when we were living at my parents. Fun times!! Sorry, I'm breaking rule 5. I've always been such a rebel.