Thursday, December 31, 2009


Yea! Tree's up!

Trax ride!

Temple Square

Don't open that present! No, Kaia did not understand the concept of waiting until Christmas to open presents. She opened two presents - both of which I simply taped back up instead of re-wrapping because I was so sick of wrapping! The few people I told that story to suggested I wait until Christmas to put out wrapped presents - hello! It's part of the Christmas decor!

Kaia and Max. Kaia felt very maternal around Max, trying to help by giving him her lamb, blankey, and of course, helping him with his binkie. She knows how important that is!

Kaia's lamby! She decided that he needed a diaper on. My friend Becca Batt gave her this lamb, and she loves it more than anything else. She must sleep with it every night and begs to take it with her everywhere she goes. It washes up very nicely, thank goodness.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve

Yes, this is what Kaia's meals usually consist of. Nothing can be mixed together (no potato casserole, no pomegranate salad), no meat unless it's plain chicken (not even chicken nuggets).

Prime rib! Let the holiday eating begin!

Tanner, Caden, Kaia and Gage broke out in a spontaneous performance of Jingle Bells during Christmas Even dinner. Kaia can be quite the performer. Large groups are ok. One on one with strangers - not ok.