Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Neighbor Spying

Don't you just love spying on your neighbors? We only know like two neighbors, but for the one's we don't know it's pretty fun to try and guess what they're like. This is based mostly on what activities I see them doing while staring out the window of our office. So far I've learned that one neighbor has two giant schnauzer's, works in the medical field (always wearing scrubs) and works early hours (she was leaving in her scrubs when Berkeley and I were leaving to go running at 6 a.m.). Another neighbor has a lab and a dachshund (can you tell we're into dogs?) and hits a ball for them with a tennis racket down the street (Berkeley barks at them like they're doing something threatening). Another neighbor showed great patience by stopping her car in the middle of the street when Kaia was about to run in front of it! The real question is what do our neighbors think of us? I don't think I want to know!


Jana said...

We drove through your neighborhood on Monday afternoon (since Gage finally fell asleep and I wasn't ready to wake him up) Anyway... I wasn't sure which house was yours, but they all looked nice. :) I promise we will come visit someday. :)

Heidi said...

It's definitely fun spying on your neighbors, but now I know a lot of mine so I don't spy quite as much. I hope you are enjoying your house.