Wednesday, November 5, 2008


" Hmmm....what's this?"

"I bet it's something good!"

"I bet it's something REALLY good!"



Becca's Blog said...

I can't believe Kaia is big enough to be excited by candy. The last time I saw her she was just a tiny tiny baby!

Cute costume!

Becky said...

That is the cutest! Hey I set my blog up as private and would love to invite ya. Would you please send me your email address? Mine is Thanks!

Heidi said...

Oh she is so cute!! Looks like you had a fun Halloween. What are your plans for the holidays? Oh btw no news around here.

Amy said...

Uh...Rocky? It's Ameal. I found your blog through Jacque's. We got your Christmas card and you guys are lookin so cute! Just wanted to let you know I was here and Kaia is so very cute....check us out at