Monday, May 26, 2008

We have a basement!

Our foundation is in -- yea! Our builder told us our house could be done two months from now. We said, we'll believe it when we see it! We're super excited.

This is the view from our backyard. We back a dry creek, which is sweet because there won't be any houses directly behind us. I hated having our neighbors right on top of us. This house will feel as secluded as living in the suburbs can feel -- not very, but better than average!


Heidi said...

Yea!! How exciting. Keep us updated on the progress. I would love to see it completed in 2 months. That would be cool, and I will be very impressed if it is

Tricia said...


The Domans said...

Hey! Becky told me your blog address. How fun to be getting a bran new house! Are you in Utah? Your little girl is adorable. It was fun to get an update on your life. My blog address is kjdoman.blogspot if you get a second you can check it out.-Kim (Garbett)