Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Two Seconds of Fame

Wow - I guess the newspapers will print anything!!!


Jana said...

Wow! you are famous. Now, since the print was so small, what was the article about? Hope things are going well for you guys.

Battfam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Battfam said...

Congratulations, Rachel! I'm sorry about deleting that last comment, but I spelled a word wrong and wanted to fix it. I was just commenting that I, too, was interested in knowing what the article said about you. It really is okay to brag a little on your blog. People do it all the time. But if you are too modest to say, maybe you could put up a link to the article. I would love to read about you.
Becca's mom

Rachel said...

OK, you're right. The text is a bit blurry. I'll post the links to the articles.